The WRDSMTH Guide To Los Angeles
The City's Coolest Street Artist Talks Art, Coffee And Inspiration
[Originally posted by Breanna Wilson on Forbes]
[To see WRDSMTH art for sale, click here]
If you’ve spent any time at all in Los Angeles you’ll recognized WRDSMTH. Well, not the man himself, he’s still somewhat of a mystery, but his artwork? That you almost definitely know.
Because WRDSMTH’s work is as simple and memorable as this: a typewriter stencil with text above it telling you to “dream bigger” or to “aspire to inspire others and the universe will take note.”

WRDSMTH with a 15’ piece in Downtown Los Angeles.
A writer turned street artist, WRDSMTH has the magical ability to take what we’re all feeling, or what we need to hear more often, and turn it into a piece of art.
So what does a guy like WRDSMTH do when he’s not beautifying the streets of Los Angeles?
Well, here’s where you might find him in Los Angeles. And who knows, you could be sitting next to him right now and not even know it.
WRDSMTH’s Favorite Place to: Find Inspiration
“I find inspiration everywhere. Over morning coffee and conversations with friends at places like Cofax and Groundwork. Seeing friends perform at joints like Hotel Cafe and The Mint. While walking Melrose Avenue or hitting the Melrose Trading Post on Sundays. Or while thumbing through books of all kinds at Book Soup, The Last Bookstore, or Meltdown Comics.”
WRDSMTH’s Favorite Place to: Do the Gallery Thing
“I love visiting other artist's studios. And I love The Broad. However some of the best shows I've seen have been held outside of the gallery setting. Those settings feel so creative and can become part of the exhibit. If I venture to a gallery, it's because of who is showing there, so my favorite venues change with the shows.”

Inside The Broad museum in Los Angeles.
WRDSMTH’s Favorite Place to: Disconnect and Unwind
“I like to walk and often do all around my neighborhood. I live near Runyon, so I strive to venture there daily. If I need to 'get away,' a hike in Bronson Park often feels like I've left the city. And I 'disconnect' every day by rising early. I'm up at 6 am and the city is still sound asleep. I'm a coffee person and relish those serene caffeinated mornings.”
WRDSMTH’s Favorite Place to: Discover New Street Art
“Anywhere and everywhere. My eyes are often scanning buildings and walls and rooftops – in part because I'm always scoping new spots to put my art, which is when/how I discover new art and new artists. If you look, art is omnipresent – whether it's a mural or a stencil or a wheatpaste or a sticker. It is everywhere and I love that. I'm inspired by that. The Arts District in DTLA isn't what it used to be, but there's still great art in so many nooks and crannies. There's also an abundance in Hollywood. Melrose Avenue is good place to look and the Fame Yard or the 7575 Wall on that street is great place to start.”
WRDSMTH’s Favorite Place to: People Watch
“Runyon Canyon is great for that, plus the overheard snippets of conversation whilst hiking are often hilarious. Sometimes I wind up at The Grove for a movie or errands and anywhere inside the Farmer's Market is great for watching the world go by.”
WRDSMTH’s Favorite Place to: See People Taking Photos with His Work
“Right now, that seems to be in Downtown LA where I have a large body of commissioned work. At the corner of Hope and 8th there's the collab wall I did with Colette Miller. It's one of eight pieces I did for The BLOC and the steady stream of people interacting and taking pictures with the wall is staggering. At One Sante Fe, across from Cafe Gratitude, there are three romantic pieces of mine that interact together and lots of people IG photos at that spot. And the 15-foot 'Aspire To Inspire' in front of the Arts District Co-Op is also a very popular destination for street art lovers and picture takers. The other place that come stop mind is Runyon Canyon. I go there almost daily, so when/if I have a renegade piece up on the walls, I am delighted to see people taking photos with it.”
WRDSMTH’s Favorite Place to: Eat Right Now
“Breakfast: Javista on Sunset Blvd or breakfast by Salt's Cure on Santa Monica Boulevard.
Brunch: The Village Idiot.
Lunch: Sack Sandwiches on Melrose or Superba in Venice.
Dinner: somewhere cozy and romantic like Eveleigh on Sunset or Jones on Santa Monica Boulevard.”
WRDSMTH’s Favorite Place to: Imbibe
“I love Happy Hour at the Snakepit or the Electric Owl. I also like bellying up to the bar at 3rd Stop or sitting outside at Fat Dog. If it's a date, I like sipping wine at Vinoteque on Melrose or champagne at Little Next Door on 3rd Street.”
Want to own your own piece of WRDSMTH art? See below for some options: